Welcome to Hoffman House
The music we write is born of our passion to spread
hope and joy in the world.
Here are the songs. Just click on the titles to hear them. You'll hear some dialogue because these are taken from musical story adventures.
Family History
Patty's Primary has sung this for years. We added a bridge that is not on this recording when we sang it for a Family History conference last year.
This is a medley of two sacrament songs.
I put this in the Sabbath category because it is a way to teach about one of the great purposes of fasting.
Hooray for Babies!
Written specifically so older boys would sing it for their mothers. This song won the church contest so you already have it, but we are sending a newer version that looks better!
I put this in with the family category because of the need for us to have Heavenly Father's help in our families.
This was written to help boys prepare for and look forward to holding the priesthood but is of course applicable to girls because we all are God's instruments as He works miracles among us.
Other Songs